Sunday 2 February 2014


Greenery around us leads to the advantages of anti-pollution, environment friendly measure which gives us oxygen-rich air to breathe in, where health benefits for the body and cosmetic benefit for healthy and glowing skin is also integrated.

Lots of ways are there to green small spaces and if you live in a small space and have a small home and no sprawling garden, you need is little imagination and effort to have the pleasure of greenery. If a tiny ground is fronting your home, create a small patch of green by filling it with fertile soil and planting a few plants which won't grow into large trees requiring big space. There are plenty of potted plants just ideal for tiny spaces, where you can create a small garden in your balcony or terrace. A small sculpture in an affordable material placed in between the plants looks attractive. A floor lamp will also enhance the beauty. You can also hang lantern above the plants from the ceiling. If you have a tiny backyard, you can add a series of grooves with plants there.

If you feel you don't have the space or time to tend a set of plants, then just add one simple creeper or plant in a small corner with a small sculpture in the niche above it and a small and elegant overhead lamp or a painting hanging on the wall above and this will also make a pleasant green comer.

If your lifestyle necessitates long stay away from home and absolutely no access to green plants,there are small plants which can do without watering for long period of time and also use dried flower and ferns in a small corner for similar effect.

When there is absolutely no space on the floor or balcony, then the window sill is a good option as a space for placing a few slow-growths, small-size plants. Another option is hanging plants, these can be placed just outside the entrance or in the balcony either overhead or suspended from the railings.

Another location for greenery in such space-cramped homes would be a study table or a corner of the kitchen counter. Small desktop plants can be accommodated in these locations.

Terrarium is a kind of garden which has a zero-maintenance when once it is installed. It is often found in large homes but given that it occupies only a small area, it is ideal for homes short of space as it is like a small indoor garden by itself. Terrariums are bottle gardens. However, they are not to be confused with plants growing out of a bottle as for e.g., the money plants.

Terrariums contain a plant or several small plants, complete with supporting soil all contained within a glass case and growing within this moist enclosed space. Since a clear glass case with lid is an ideal option, you can even use old or discarded aquariums or any wide-mouthed glass pitcher for this. Slow-growth plants are ideal for terrariums and generally speaking flowering plants are not suitable.

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