Thursday 27 February 2014


I here was a time when our homes were built with only the essentials and were changed with our own abilities.We had few needs and they were met with the abundance that was available to us.We learned to be calm and serene and to produce substance and long term riches.

Today we are ensconced in flashy high rise buildings with all kinds of technological marvels at hand.Even then with all these conveniences and comforts people in our world are frantically looking for respite from the stress brought on by lifestyles that are aggressive, tuned to technology and full of rivalry.

The atmospheric air we breathe may be bad if we live in a big city or close to an industrial area.In comparison someone living in a rural area would enjoy each breath of fresh air.Interior air is getting worse as shown by research as buildings that are airtight are frequently not adequately ventilated.

Irritations like headaches to worse ailments like asthma, allergies, hormone disorders and cancer too are on account of the quality of air.There are more pronounced symptoms in small children, sick people and elderly people. The rate of air exchange in modem well-sealed buildings is only once every five hours or more. The stale air contains thousands of chemicals from construction materials that give off gas inside.

According to Building Science the human body needs between one and two air changes every hour to keep up vigor, regenerate body cells and remove environmental poisons.That is the air we have mentioned.Modern buildings have seen many new uses of electrical energy. New meaning to convenience was found through the incandescent bulb and another thrilling invention was the doorbell. We have been surrounded by inventions such as air-conditioning, electric heating systems,satellite communication systems, sophisticated electronic devices, computers, weapon systems and cell phone know-how.

The energies in these things are superimposed upon our delicate body energies and the consequence shows that there has been a spurt in some illnesses that were not known before the advent of the electricity era.Research is being carried out on the long term effects of exposure to electro-magnetic radiation and is in the infant stage.A major worry is cancer and destruction of cells.

All this is rather alarming but we cannot shift our lives outdoors and put off the gadgets.The dangers associated with development have been acknowledged by science. New branches are trying to put forward new codes.

As we can't leave our jobs which are carried out in airtight buildings full of EMR (electro- magnetic radiation) a small beginning can be made.By increasing our awareness we can provide a chief tool for producing influential ecological practices for the generations to come. All products with strong fragrances (cleaning, personal care products) are forbidden. Plastic building materials, carpets, glues and paints are dangerous.Electrical gadgetry should be minimized and that along with an abundance of natural ventilation are the chief points.For prevention the effects of toxic materials on health should be removed.Building Biology is not looking towards the 'good old days' of the past but envisioning a more robust future.

The study of using healthy building principles for better living, workspaces and the health of those who occupy them literally means 'building biology'. It studies how the impact of buildings on life and the living environment works. It takes a holistic approach involving ecology, culture, sensitivity to nature, health, and an organic approach. Interesting advantages are obtained through well designed and executed breathing wall systems.

Over the past four decades knowledge has been accumulated about the application of Building Biology principles that pinpoints ways of eliminating or alleviating obstacles in an attempt to make healthy living and working space. It applies to new construction, redesigned and renovated current buildings. Planning of residential centers interwoven with green spaces situated far from industrial sites, harmonious with nature and oriented to the family is examined.Solar energy, natural ventilation and lighting, natural building materials, interiors and furniture according to physiological discoveries are some other sides of this science.


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