Tuesday 11 August 2015


When pets are reared at homes, it is important to maintain their cleanliness so that they are rid of pests and resultant problems and the people at house are also safe.

Some of the points to be taken care of are:
- The dryer sheets used in the dryer are great for removing pet fur from upholstery.  

- If the pets are allowed on furniture, it is better to use slipcovers for them. While choosing them, fabrics like silk, lace, and satin should be avoided, for the fur clings to them. Patterns and colours which hide pet hair should be chosen and they should be washed in hot water.

- The mats and carpets if used, should be vacuum cleaned regularly, preferably everyday. This will avoid allergies.

- The pets should be regularly bathed and brushed. This prevents the fur from littering and keeps them odour-free and healthy.

- A pet brush also can be used for removing hair from upholstery and fabrics.

- In case the pet dirties the carpet, first the area has to be wiped off with a wet cloth. Then a solution of a mug of water with a teaspoon of vinegar should be used and again the area should be wiped.  

- A rubber glove whether wet or dry is great for removing pet fur as the hair just clings to it.

- Stains could be removed by rinsing the area with a mild solution of dishwashing liquid and water. Then the area should be thoroughly dried. Baking soda should be sprinkled over the spot and allowed to absorb remaining moisture.


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